Monday, March 23, 2009

"Change Is The Only Constant"

Life works in mysterious ways. People change. Friends become strangers, relationships fall apart. Like what's new? You don't have to live that long to know that.

There are people I can never see the same way ever again. And I mean ever. I don't really care what happens to them, what they do or how they live their life. Unfortunately, if you have similar circle of friends, hang around at the same places, there are times you just have to be civil. Smile a bit, ask a few questions, pretend to be interested... and just having to do that makes me sick to the pits of my stomach because I can sense my being contradicting itself. I normally can't be a hypocrite in any sort of relationship. At least for now so don't quote me on it. In the future I might need to suck up to bosses for an early promotion or something. Who knows, you gotta apply survival skills SOMEWHERE.

I also abstain disclosing my dislike of certain people to others and bring them to my side on that matter... because that is just downright shallow. It's a personal issue so I don't think there's a need to get everyone on my wagon. People who are too nice also freak me out. They make it seem like they have an ulterior motive. Are they even honest at it? Or do they desperately want people to like them? But you can sense downright genuine ones as opposed to those who're nice because they've wronged you and are forever trying to make it up but failing helplessly they just end up becoming insanely annoying. I swear sometimes I just feel like saying get out of my freaking hair!

On a whole, I believe I'm not very judgemental. I can take people who live a 180 degree turn from the way I live mine as long as they are nice (and not too nice) to me and don't drag me along their weird and crazy antics. And preachy people who think they're better than everyone else, don't even get me started. Just because you've gone to a better place, doesn't make you think you're on a higher pedestal than everybody else. Because God knows, I've been there when you were down so low I had to look past my soles, so save it. 

Like I said, life works in mysterious ways and "change is the only constant".

posted at 2:59 AM