Monday, December 26, 2005


Do you know what I hate most? People who have the least bit of respect for my belongings. People who 'borrow' MY things without MY permission or return them in bad condition. It even applies to my own siblings and family. It pisses me to no end I swear to God!

The best thing is, I have a bloody housemate who takes my stuff without my knowledge and wears them like one of her own. So what if I have nice clothes and you envy them? It's not your friggin right to take any of them. It doesn't mean that if I put fresh sunkissed laundry on the living room chair(which is mine in the first place) and leave them there for the weekend which I intend to fold later, gives you the right to rummage through them and pick one that suits your liking for your outings.

It's not yours dammit! And the worst thing you did was put up YOUR picture on Friendster wearing MY clothing you freaking snitch! I do NOT want to see MY clothes hanging on the clothesline when I know I didn't wash them!

Haven't you ever figured why I lock my room when I'm away for the weekend? Or why I now keep my shoes in my car trunk?

Freak! Get the damn picture already!

Damn that felt good!


posted at 3:28 PM


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