Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Dear God

I've not been doing good lately.
Things are not going my way.
Forgive me if I ask, but why for some people the heavens can get it so right?
Please don't ever stop loving me.
Despite me sometimes not putting you first.
You know I still need you.
Sometimes things get so out of hands, and all I can and want to do is breakdown.
And cry.
I know you hear my prayers.
Those I say out loud and those I whisper to you at night.
Exams, missing home, relationships.
Give me a sign God if what I'm doing now is not for me.
I want to be a doctor.
I just cannot find the drive.
The drive I have always had to succeed.
Help me pull through med school, dear God.
Carry me when I'm flat on the floor.
Please take care of mom and dad and my brothers.
Just like I can't live without you, I'd die without them.
And God, please get me back to the right track.
I'm sliding off so far.
The things I do with my boy are things I used to ridicule others for doing.
Give me the strength to resist the worldly pleasures, dear God.
I try to look for you in the sunshine in the day and see if you are anywhere behind the moon at night.
Because sometimes I forget that you are everywhere.
And please don't let me forget again.
I love you.

posted at 1:45 AM


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