Sunday, January 15, 2006

Give my mother a kiss, tell her I'm OK

She is the one who has always been there for me. And she always will.She is the one who made me the prettiest birthday cakes every year. She made me a huge Cinderella cake on my 5th everyone in kindergarten envied me. She nursed me when I almost detached my tongue, broke my leg, dislocated my thumb, broke my arm. And she cried with me when a boy broke my heart because she said that is something I have to nurse myself. She drove me to handball games, movies, concerts, sleepovers, malls. She helped me pack for camps, college, uni even though she said its the hardest thing she has to do. She always goes that extra million mile for me. She knows what I want, I don't have to say. She knows me so well.

I have my friends. They are online, they're downstairs watching telly. I have my boy. He's downstairs too. I have my mother but she is so far away. I can smell her. I miss her so much I can almost touch her. I can see lines starting to appear when she smiles, signs of a life well-lived. I have plans to travel the roads of Australia and swim with dolphins in Rotorua and ski down the French Alps and drink in the sun of Bahamas and scream my lungs out riding the best rollercoasters America has but I most of all I want to go back to her.

I don't want to cry when I am on the phone with her because I know she cries too. She doesn't tell me when something is wrong at home because she doesn't want me to worry. She knows I worry. I worry about her health, I worry about my dad's. I worry that my brothers are not helping out. Sometimes I almost don't believe her when she says she is fine. I know her back still hurts and her knees are killing her. But I believe her everytime she says she loves me and that even though she is far away she is inside me if I look real hard.

"I'm already there,
take a look around,
I am the sundshine in your hair,
I am the shadow on the ground,
I am the whisper in the wind,
I am your imaginary friend. "

"I'm already there,
Don't make a sound,
I am the beat in your heart
I am the moonlight shining down,
I am the whisper in the wind,
And I will be there till the end"


posted at 7:54 AM


  • At 12:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    My mother had just left after a weekend visit and I just couldn't hold my tears. I miss my mom too!

  • At 6:43 AM, Blogger Cherries & Onions said...

    i hate growing up! my insensitive boyfriend said im the one who left her so deal with it!boo-hoo!


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