Saturday, January 14, 2006

My Boy My Call

"Dah takde lelaki melayu kat dunia ni ke?Lelaki melayu dah tak cukup bagus ke?"

"I did not choose a white guy to fall in love with. I fell for the man that he is and he happens to be Welsh."

"Do you actually think there is a future?"

"I don't know. He doesn't know. Nobody knows."

"So why don't you just settle for a Malay boy?"

"Because I still won't know if that will work out."

"Well.. at least if it doesn't work out people can't say "Ha..carik lagi mat salih.." kan? Apa nanti orang cakap?"

"THAT was your point!!??!! I don't care what 'orang' nak cakap! If it doesn't work out the pain is not going to be more just because he is not Malay. Kalau jalan pegang tangan dengan budak melayu sama je dosa dia dengan tangan mat salih!"

My mom and dad will have a say. They can advice, they can point out what is wrong and what is right. My best friends can tell me if this man can take care of me. Other than that, my boy, my call. You stay the hell out. All of you.


posted at 12:57 AM


  • At 2:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You rawk Lonestar! Hahah!


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