Friday, March 03, 2006

It's Dark In Here

It's weird. Too much rationalizing is taking its toll on me. After a while, it just turns into fuming rage. One can only bear so much. I need to get to know more people. I need to go do something exciting. Otherwise, I think I'll sink into an abyss of deep depression.

I can't seem to see light at the end of this neverending, dark, narrow tunnel. It's as if everything is light years away and unreachable. I feel like I'm slowly fading into oblivion. Everyone and everything seem to be dark patches of something in a boring, bland-looking cornfield.

I'm bored and tired and sounding like a whiny teenager. How irritating is that?

I miss my friends. I miss my family.

I'm alone on a long, meandering journey.

Sorry my onions(LostSoul and Lonestar), the cherry has been a little down lately.


posted at 2:43 PM


  • At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    How come you get to be the cherry and I'm the onion?

    Sometimes some things you can't rationalize.

    I was walking back from class, passed by a primary school and saw some kids playing in the field and I remembered us and the tree-climbing-U-falling-me laughing incident.And I cried.I miss you loads. I miss you the most.

  • At 11:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I knew you were gonna ask that. Hahah! Coz I'm more cherry-ish. Boleh x? =p

    Well, how can I forget that! It was also a you-peeing-in-your-pants-and-me-laughing incident. Guess who laughed harder? Hahah. Sometimes I wonder what we were doing just the 2 of us kat belakang sekolah tu eh? Was it after we got beaten at badminton by Ming and Saiful?

    My early school days were memorable because you were in practically all of it. We had such a rad time didn't we? If only life now was as easy as it was back then.

    I miss you loads too! =(


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