Friday, March 24, 2006

The man I want to love

I want to love for the person that you are,
and also for the person that I am when I am with you.
For the things that you do.
Like you make me pancakes. And you get me chocolates when you come around.
And I will always remember the time I called you from London and I cried because for reasons unknown I didn't feel right inside.
You said 'Babe, come home, I'm worried' so I did.
What you didn't say was you'd fetch me from the station, and that you cooked me my favourite grilled chicken
and that night you gave me your bed
and you tucked me in and 'If you need me I'll be on the couch" you said
I love it when we drive out to the coast and you get me the fish and chips I love most
I love it when we go out to dance
I especially love it when you wear your red hoodie. That's when you look your best but you know I would still adore you in your shabby T-shirt and shorty.
But you see, if it was that easy everyone would live a life of fairytale
We didn't make it but then again we didn't fail
If it was meant to be, then it will
He has His ways of working and He promised a destiny fulfilled
You are my security net, the crying shoulder I need so bad
But you see I am in the prime of my life
I don't want to one of those who's bored outta their mind because their partner can't spare some time.
I want to see some of the world
I can pack up and leave and jet set to Spain
That is why I can't promise you commitment
But I promise you my suport my help my advice my time my cheese even!
If I don't someday walk with you down the aisle or become the mother to your child
You know I will always be your best friend and your sister
As long as you keep in mind that what we have is forever


posted at 12:47 PM


  • At 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The man I want to love... has got to earn more than I can spend. HAHAHA!

  • At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ... then i suggest you start looking =P


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