Friday, May 05, 2006

Boleh blahhh

Scene 1
Saya: U, nak g tesco tak? Jom jalan.
Dia: Taknakla..penat..panas..tak larat.
Saya: K, suit yourself. Weather tengah best ni.
Dia: Eh you g eh.. belikan I coke bleh tak?
Saya: Boleh blahhh!
And saya walked out the door.

Scene 2
Saya tengah makan cheesecake yang dibeli kat tesco tadi

Dia: Eh you makan apa cam sedap jer
Saya: Cheesecake, beli tadi
Dia: Nak sikit
Saya: Boleh blahhh

Lesson: Bukan nak jahat but nothing comes free baybee. Nyehhehe

posted at 11:37 PM


  • At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Haha siall je! I can sooo imagine the look on your smug face.


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