Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Kisah Seorang Bag Fanarts...

Me: Nanti belikan nice leather bags tau! Taknak yg monogram2 atau yg PVC-looking tu. LEATHER please!!! Or at least leather-like!

Yelah, nanti mak tengok la KALAU ada. Tak janji.

Me: Tak kira! Beli jugak.

Nak tau apa one of the bags dia beli?

Oh ibuku! Pergi ke Italy membeli bag Guess. Ku sungguh hampa, namun akan ku pakai jua. Mesti bersyukur. Daripada dia tak beli apa-apa. Lagipun, kufaham jadualnya yang padat ketika disana. Terima kasih ibu!

Macam entry you-know-who pulak. Dah la bag pink. Hahah.


posted at 5:32 PM


  • At 7:54 PM, Blogger Cherries & Onions said...

    I KNOW WHO!! nyahahahahahaha!
    barang hang kat sini melambak2 lagi nak suruh mak beli lagi!

  • At 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hahah. LostSoul, do you-know-who? :p

    Heyyy, bags tu collection tau! Biar kasut sikit janji bag banyak. Itulah prinsip hidup. Terima kasih.

  • At 4:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I can definitely guess who it is, quite accurately. Wahahahaha. Blh larr jadi 'bestfren' die sekarang. I'm sure u girls have a lot to talk about. Wahahahahaha.

  • At 4:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oh wait wait. There's an option, you can sell it on e-bay after wearing it twice. I'm sure you'll find a buyer(s)! Waahahaha

  • At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ciss sungguh kurang asam kamu ini LostSoul. Mana bole jual kat eBay. Kecik hati mak saya nanti. Hihihi.

    Eleh kamu tu buat koleksi kasuttttt!!!

  • At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Was just kidding about the e-bay bit. Was mocking someone. Hehe.

    Mane ade collection kasut dah. I'm already crestfallen,after the red timberland shoes I've always admired was not there when I had the money to buy it!

    Oh well, xde rezeki! Life goes on. :)


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