Sunday, July 23, 2006


There's this girl in my class who has a serious case of wanting to have the same things I do; in other words a serial copycat. It's pissing me off, that part of her. I mean sure, we have the same names, happen to have the exact laptop and born in the same month and some other coincidental stuff but doesn't mean that you have to have and copy every single thing I own!

Gosh. Just because I wear a Gucci hand me down watch from my mom, doesn't mean you have to run to a watch store to get one for yourself. Just because I have a DKNY wallet, doesn't mean you have to go and get the exact same shyte in the form of a pencil case; especially when you have never carried a freaking pencil case throughout the years we've been classmates. It's getting annoying.

Sure, while imitation can be greatest form of flattery, too much can be pretty goddamn irritating.


posted at 2:03 AM


  • At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I feel you babe. One of my copycats used to be one of my hmates. The worse part was not only she bought the same stuff that I wore or have. She even took some of my stuff and 'buat harta' sendiri.

  • At 1:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So irritating kan? I mean memang she's nice and all but God... be yourself for God's sake!


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