Wednesday, August 23, 2006

No rush

I love to take my own sweet time to do things, I don't like to rush. It doesn't give me the fulfillment in doing those things, I would appreciate the things more when I do them at my own pace. Unfortunately, with my ever hectic schedule the past weeks, I had to rush here and there to do things due to the time constraints. But on top of all, I hate it when I have to rush because of the person I'm going out with. If you know you can't follow or have other plans, then don't. After all, I'm the one driving. So, it should be my call when I want to go home. Another thing, I hate it when I've planned my day and somebody comes to ask for a favour that I can't posssibly refuse. I've allocated specific time to do my task and you come up to me with all your plans arranged with the hope of me rearranging my schedule. Sheesh. I don't mind doing favours but at least tell me in advance of your plans and let me arrange my schedule accordingly. :)


posted at 7:03 PM


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