Monday, September 11, 2006

Of Dublin

I spent my weekend in Dublin. Just like I didn't like Auckland, I hate Dublin too. Too many people, too crowded, too noisy, too polluted, too public.
I stayed over at one of my favourite girlfriend's place. Its a 3 bedroom flat housing five students trying to get by on a government scholarship. We had to make do with the sofa cushion to keep us comfy at night. We had to wait in line for the bathroom in the mornings.
Bad Bobs on any other night would have been too dodgy, too techno, too expensive.
Having just left my home, the only one I've ever known, not knowing the next time I will be able to kiss my mother and father, I needed Ireland. I needed the company of some of the people in the short list of people that I am comfortable being around with.
She has seen me through my lazy days, she tolerates the lamest of my jokes, she welcomes me with open arms.
And the boys. They are boys when they want to be, men when they need to be. At the airport as I hugged tight each and every one of them I am reminded that no other boys can replace my Banting boys. They are decent boys whom I always recommend to friends looking for love and put in a good word for them. I always get asked 'If he is all that, why don't you pursue him?'. What we have is beautiful, irreplaceable, a miracle and I wouldn't risk it for the world. They are my bestfriends, my brothers.
We painted the town red, snapped a million pictures, rolled on the fields, chased pigeons away, snacked on our favourite chips, bowled, splurged on a big dinner, walked into town hand in hand, partied all night long then walked back home barefooted, threw ourselves on the first pillow we could find. It felt like home.
I left for my place wondering when the next time the four of us will be together again. I truly miss the days when we saw each other everyday and got on each other's every nerve.

posted at 2:11 AM


  • At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What's Bad Bobs?

  • At 10:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    a club. kelab bob yang jahat


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