Thursday, November 09, 2006

It's the little things.

Little little things.
Like when that friend you haven't seen in ages says she's flying over to see you. Sleepover like those days back in college!
Like when the cutest boy in class gives you a birthday kiss and dance. Butterfly. Stomach. Face. Blush. Smile. Wide. Dream. True!
Like when your dad who never wears his heart on his sleeves sends a text saying he misses you!
Like when your housemate offers to make you dinner because you look shattered when you come home. And when she calls when you don't come home at night!
Like when you find Prison Break on, save you the trouble downloading!
Like when you get something from the sale line in your favourite colour in your perfect size!
Like when you go on the weighing scale and you know all the time at the gym is fruitful!
Little little things that put a smile on my face.
Little little things that make my day.
Little little things that make the big things small.
I mean, who needs a mansion with a pool, a Mini Cooper, expensive wardrobes??
But seriously, its the little little things.

posted at 2:40 AM


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