Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Joke!

If I were to act in a teen flick, I'd be the kid most people make fun of.
Not voluntarily, more on the experiences I've encountered.

When I was in high school, I remember bunch of guys used to make fun of me.
They would giggled whenever I walked pass them, calling me funny names.
Gawd, I just don't want to be reminded of those times.

High school ended, boy, I was relieved.
Not for too long, bunch of other men made fun of me again.
Two different groups who don't even know each other.
One of the groups used the means of modern technology,
while the other used conventional method of 'going out'.

The former was laughing off out of their wits in front of the screen,
they enjoyed how much I made a fool out of myself,
foolishly answering all the personal questions,
which I only wish to share with my close friends,
tactical, like the snake, they used one of my friend's account,
that friend of mine didn't know that they invaded his privacy,
well, he didn't find out soon enough to let me know that it wasnt him.
By the time I knew, a whole weight of embarassment was already out in the open sea.

The latter came out in the form of a man,
A man who I had big crush on,
He went out with me, to make fun of me,
To tell his friends what a laughing stock I am,
Well, his plan worked and the whole group had a great laugh.

A year passes by, I moved on.
Had a huge crush on another person,
Got to know him eventually, had the time of my life,
And for a minute there,
I thought I found a person I don't want to trade for anything else in the world,
Turned out, his feelings faded away,
He avoided me the whole time
and made me felt as if I was this dirty dog from the street which had a serious disease.
Looking back, possibly he didn't even have anything for me in the first place,
He was enjoying the game his friends and everyone else was playing.
Making fun of me, see how far I would fall, how foolish I could turn out.
It was probably a bet that everyone had put their money in.
And a show everyone found entertaining.

Few nights ago, a close friend of mine,
his phone was snatched by a group of guys from our batch,
those guys sneaked into his handphones,
trying to find messages that may lead to us being attached,
dismayed by finding nothing, they messaged me through his phone,
asking on personal questions,
luckily, they didn't get anything out of it,
the next day, my friend called me, told me the truth,
and he felt so guilty of what happened, he couldn't stop bunch of them.

I don't understand why does it always have to be me this people want to make fun of.
I don't even bother them with what they do, neither do I care who they go out with.
Why does it concern them so much on who I like?
It's not like as if I'm Mawi that everyone wants to know every single I do,
or I like one of the hotshots who happen to represent the country for important businesses,
And why do they swing the guys I have a crush on my way,
And let me fall into pieces after finding out their real intentions,
So that they can have a good laugh.
That's it.
I am a JOKE to mankind.

posted at 4:57 PM


  • At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    People can be mean. We just have to be careful and avoid some of them. You're not a joke darling. Some people just have a twisted sense of humour.

    Chin up and fight it!


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