Friday, November 10, 2006

Lola, Updated!

If Sad*am Hu*sein does get hanged, at least we know he'll die. I on the other hand, am hanging by a rope so tight but still very much alive and kicking.

Which place would you rather be?

Life is pretty good at the moment. I am savouring every single thing I can despite the downs. A lot of people have pointed out my high threshold toward pain and I realize it's true. I do suck in a lot of it. But yea... life's great right now. Yes Lonestar, the little things are important coz eventually they become big things.

Surprisingly I did pretty well last sem, rahmat bulan puasa yang tak terhingga. Maybe I work better under pressure considering my crazy exam schedule last sem, ingat fail 1 or 2 ke . I'm blessed, He still hasn't given up on me! I thank God that He compensated me with something definite for the future. Coz that's where I'm heading and where my focus currently lies.

I miss you guys! LostSoul I haven't seen you in what seems like ages! Lonestar, you know I miss you like crazy! Kelakar bila teringat kita nyanyi2 lagu sekolah and patriotic songs before tido when you were here. Akakaka!

Lostsoul, we have got to hang out soon! I'm dying from deprivation here! I don't even remember the last movie I watched but I sure as hell have caught up with all the Prison Break and One Tree Hill I could get my hands on during my blissful hols. Let's chill while you're still on your break =)

I'm also currently on a diet. Well trying to at least. I think there is no cure for my back pain based on an article I read. The symptoms listed are vastly similar to mine therefore I have got to lose weight so my back won't have to take the extra baggage from my fat ass. Having to wake up with it there everyday is one big challenge to ignore so I'm doing something about it now. Cheer me on here guys, it's for my health. I want to give birth someday okay!

LostSoul, update wuman! It takes 3 to cherries&onions... heheh.

posted at 12:01 AM


  • At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Go on, work those ass and abs! But don't starve yourself, what's life without good food?!!

    Herbalife, lolalalala? ;)


  • At 1:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yeay! Glad things are working out for you quite well. Yea, we should meet up soon. Lets jog around and work on those ass and abs. :)

  • At 12:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Life is indeed incomplete without good food! Maybe just smaller portions now if temptation doesn't get the best of me, lone*.

    Jog around... insyaAllah LostSoul =)


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