Sunday, November 19, 2006

No 1. So we discussed about religion and you sense my insecurities. I appreciate your concern but don't fucking shove it down my throat. Thank you for the invitation but I've enough appointments to keep already.

No 2. Once, I'll keep quiet. Twice, fine. Being fashionably late is not something I find funny, and I don't get why you laugh as if it's a trademark you're proud to have. You missed your movie and I hope you learnt your lesson.

No 3. I get it, your dad has a fortune, your brother's making his and you can spend money like water. Don't rub it into every face you see! If your family money is all that how come the taxpayers are paying you through university? Mengada ngada!

No 4. When I say I don't drink it means I don't drink! A few c'mons from you ain't gonna make me do it, neither will your offer to buy me one. It doesn't make you cool when I have to take you home at night. And your breath, let's not go there. At least I remember the fun I had the morning after!

Now that I've let my anger out, I'm going to have a lazy Sunday with myself.

posted at 7:33 PM


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