Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sneaky Pants!

Yihh I can't stand how sneaky my housemate is. How would you feel if you bought a carton of milk to eat with your cereal and simpan dalam cupboard (the long-lasting type) so you could eat it later, tiba-tiba tengok is not where it is and is instead in the fridge half empty? Cereal bars yang sepatutnya ada 12 and you baru makan 1 or 2, tiba-tiba tinggal 4? Breakfast biscuit yg ada 6 tinggal 3? Mushroom soup 3 kotak each consisting of 3 sachets so SEMBILAN ALTOGETHER habis terus padahal baru makan 2 sachet? Melampau la kan!?

I'm not stingy but I just cannot stand the fact that she doesn't have the decency to even bagitau pun and melantak macam dia yang beli. Ingat aku beli semua tu pakai pasir ke? I have a monthly budget too. Just because ko dok sorang sometimes and malas nak keluar and takde makanan gives you the right to eat all of my food. Kalau ye pun makan sampai habis makanan aku, bagitaula and ganti ke. Ni tak, buat muka slambe je. Aku ada amik makanan kau ke? Tak pernah kan? Kalau ada pun roti and tu pun bagitau. Even if it meant taking one slice. And the thing is, she does these things when I'm not around. So paham tak what I mean about being sneaky? Depan-depan tak berani.

Yihh. My friends yang dah kenal bertahun pun have respect for my belongings. Ko bukannya special sangat nak bagi exception. Sewa dahla 2 bulan punya tak bayar lagi, bil telefon ko je yang pakai, tak gak bayar. Ko ingat bil rumah terbayar sendiri ke? I have to use my freaking monthly allowance to pay it off you idiot! Bila aku takde pandai bukak air-cond siang2, ingat aku tak tau ke? Aku duduk rumah sendiri pun tak bukak air-cond siang2 sebab tau mahal lagi. Dahla ko tak bayar sewa. Air-cond tu extra je tak inclusive pun dalam rent, for MY comfort not yours.

Bawak kawan datang, siap tido rumah takde decency nak bagitau. Aku bawak balik kawan walaupun rumah sendiri aku bagitau kau. Balik-balik rumah je tengok muka tah sape-sape kat rumah ni. Hello, aku owner oke. Respect sikit. Kalau ko duk rumah sewa sumbat dengan ramai orang tu lainlaa. Takde respect for people and their belongings ke? I wonder how the hell you were brought up.

Aaarghhh! Menyirap betul! Sorryla aku nak tayang-tayang makanan aku lagi dalam almari tu.

Sakitnyaaaaaaaaaa hatiiiiii makcik!!!

posted at 11:13 AM


  • At 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    there was a time when patience stopped becoming a virtue. it was a looong time ago.

    p/s: kalau tertinggal kunci kereta itu pun kena sapu hehe


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