Saturday, December 16, 2006

It's Painful but I'll Survive

You know, I didn't sleep well for months... throughout his absence. I'd go to bed, roll on my front and back and sides wondering and thinking a lot of things. Then I'd eventually fall to sleep but I'd still be jolted up to waking several times in the middle of the night, sometimes checking my phone... just hoping.

I did send a few hurtful messages mostly because I felt so hurt and betrayed. I had put our love at stake being my biggest mistake... and he with no weapon to counter, no means to get back to me... or simply just couldn't, knew that this was a lot for us to bear.

I cried... and he cried as well. It was very emotional but there was still sooo much love between us. And we parted not because we didn't love each other anymore but because we knew it'd be best for both of us now.

Kalau ada jodoh, tak kemana kan?

posted at 10:42 AM


  • At 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    tak lari gunung dikejar.

  • At 1:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "kadang-kadang Allah hilangkan sebentar matahari,
    kemudian Dia datangkan pula guruh dan kilat sabung-menyabung.
    puas kita menangis mencari di mana matahari kita,
    rupanya Allah hendak menghadiahkan kita pelangi yang indah.
    bersabar, bertawakal, dan redha,
    kerana setiap perkara yang berlaku ada hikmah di sebaliknya."



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