Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My Sunshine Ceased Shining...

Things didn't work out between us. The conversation was sad but bore a lot of honesty and most importantly acceptance. Even though it didn't work out... there was definitely a lot of love still. That we'd be happy if one of us found love again. It really was true love, at least for me because we let each other go and wanted nothing but happiness for the other.

We didn't want to hurt each other anymore... and for now it seemed like the best decision. Maybe one day we'd find each other again... but in a new light. I still believe in love. It could still be him but at a different time. Just know, I have accepted this fact and I'll be okay.

I hope none of you will ask me about what happened. I guess what happened will just be something only the both of us will share and keep. It has been painful, it still is and could be for a very long time.

Just be my friend like you always have.

posted at 12:39 AM


  • At 3:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    i hope everything's alright.I'd buy you ben jerry's in your favourite flavour if I was there but I'm not so go buy yourself one and I'll give you money when I get back :p

    I've never been very in love so I wouldn't say I know what its like. I'm just sad you're sad.

    Take care. The sun shall shine again.You're hot anyway.


    P/S: I'll still love you everyday ;)

  • At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Things might go downhill for me for a while. But I guess that would only be natural. Maybe when I'm stronger, I'll share with you our love story, how he lit up my life.

    I'm not so sure if a sunshine can shine ever so brightly for me the same way he did. I'll be okay, I just need time to grief and be on my own a little.

    I love you guys too. Thank you for caring =)


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