Monday, March 05, 2007

A change of plans

My plans were to always become rich, happy and famous lol. Not anymore. Like a wise friend recently said, plans change. I still dream, but I don't want to try too hard. The future is too uncertain to base today's plans on. And today won't wait for me or you.
I used to think that if I start saving by now by the time I graduate I could probably get myself a fancy car. Vey tempting, and very feasible, but I can always start saving when I start earning, the best parties, birthdays, roadtrips is happening now and I don't want to miss it all. A night out can easily cost me a week's allowance - cab rides, drinks, door charge, kebab supper - so what? In college you are meant to spend the money you don't have. And in college it's not too embaressing to ask daddy for some money. Because to bump into your biggest crush and steal a dance, to see your friend trip over because she is too drunk, to curse the crappy music but stay the whole night anyway, to wake up the next day feeling like poo, that is all priceless. I surely won't remember the ten pounds I save staying at home, but I'll definitely smile everytime I hear Hips Don't Lie.
I used to not want a boyfriend, and just get married to the one and only. I hated the idea of a long list of ex-boyfriends, but I have learnt that you have to put your heart out there and let it weather the pouring rain and the shiny afternoons. It will hurt, it will scar, it will bleed, but it will heal, it will learn, and it will love again and again and again.

posted at 7:00 AM


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