Saturday, November 24, 2007

La Vie En Rose

Doesn't time fly so fast? A few more days and this blog is actually 2 years old. I learned a lot these 2 years... of love, of friends, of people. Some bitter some sweet, some not even worth a mention. Lately, I often find myself deterring from the things I don't have an inkling of liking and and people I don't intend to strengthen anymore relations with.

Why? Because I need my peace. I want that sense of complacence without unnecessary obstacles. I want to start anew. I want to be better, for me, for my close friends and my family. I used to not see the light at the end of the tunnel, I used to see a meek future. But I don't know where I regained my strength and became exponentially ambitious. Maybe my past helped in picking me up better than I thought.

I also learned a lot about myself; my tolerance level, my pain threshold (exceptionally high), my strengths and weaknesses, my ability to endure bad moments without having to drag anyone into it. I know I'm not alone but sometimes you just gotta do it for yourself.

There are things I miss, moments I'll forever cherish, things I wish I could erase from my memory... but then again, there's today and also a future to look forward to. The best of men move forward. And that's just what I'll do.

posted at 6:38 PM

Monday, November 12, 2007

Jika ku tak bangun esok pagi
Sayang ku kau jagalah diri
Sentiasa ingatkan hati
Dirimu amat kucintai
Andainya dihimpit kesusahan
Sujud dan mohon pada Tuhan
Agar diberikan bimbingan
Meniti hidup bersendirian
Bila terasa sejuk
pejamkan mata
Bayangkan dalam dakapanku
Bila terasa rindu
Pejamkan mata
Kita bersua dalam lena
Kalau ada yang sudi mengganti
Sayang kau lepaskanlah ku pergi
Kerna insan yang seistimewamu
Berhak tuk dicinta dalam hidup
Tiada apa yang kekal dalam dunia ini
Namun yang pasti
Walaupun ku tiada nanti
Akan kekal abadi
Ku berharap kau tak akan lupa
Mengirimkan bekalan doa
Kita jumpa lagi di sanan nanti
Jika ku tak bangun esok pagi

posted at 8:41 AM