Sunday, December 23, 2007


Carbon copying your days.. my ass!!


Selamat pulang dari tanah Indon.

Hujan emas negeri orang, hujan batu negeri sendiri, lebih baik negeri sendiri.

I'd give all my life savings to see you...

a) sakit bontot from the jet ski..
b) can't get the parasail to fly
c) jatuh from bot pisang macam nangka
d) takleh berenang
e) can't swim
f) unable to float
g) takleh terapung
h) terkapai kapai


Ahhh, I want to go on another holiday with you!

Hugs and Kisses, Love and Misses,
Rakanmu di perantauan.

posted at 10:00 PM


  • At 1:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hahahah sialll!

    Firstly, I didn't do jet-skiing sebab kena ada instructor duk kat belakang boleh? Kat sini pun aku slambe bwk sorang.

    Parasailing xde plak that day, but I went on this thing called a fly fish, best nak mati! 2 ppl get on it and you get pulled by a speedboat... and then you soaarrrr! You won't find it anywhere else in the world except for there & Korea. I'll blog on it and let you know ALL about it. HAhAHA. Jealous yet? Chiahahah.

    Oh and rafting in heavy rain was the absolute bomb! You can't get any more adventurous than that!

    Apsal 'takleh berenang' and 'takleh terapung' tu repeated in english AND malay!? Baaabuii!!

  • At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Glad you had fun. Yea rafting's amazing, especially kalau tergolek golek. It was repeated to make a statement. If i spoke any other language, you can bet your flying fish ass it will be on there as well. haha.

  • At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    PS: i think the instructor thingy tu memang the new international ruling of jet skiing in public areas. kat msia lesen kopi haha.


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