Friday, May 26, 2006

One day closer to you

My married friends keep asking me
When I will settle down
They tell me time is passing,
And there is not many good ones still around,
I tell them I am not afraid to be alone
And there's no need to rush into something wrong
So I am not gonna worry
I an in no hurry
It's in the hands of fate
There's nothing I can do
And it might be tomorrow
Or the one that follows
Got the rest of my life to look forward to
Coz I am one day closer to you
You might be in Montana
living in the hills
Or you might be in Virginia
living in the hills
All I know is I haven't found you yet
But who knows maybe we have already met
Everyday I pray that God will keep you safe
Cause I know you're out there somewhere
And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing on the very same bright star
And when the night winds start to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping under the same big sky
Somewhere out there if love can see us through
We'll be together
Somewhere out there
Out where dreams do come true

posted at 4:04 PM

Saturday, May 20, 2006

I told you!!

I told you didn't I!?

I told you we'll be fiiiiiiine!


Its all good, me and you.

Kan Kan Kan? *big huge ass smile ear to ear*

P/S: its such a sin to be sitting inside studying when the weather is like a proper summer

-not so lonely lonestar <3>

posted at 11:20 PM

Friday, May 19, 2006

A cry

I hope you know I walked away that day because I know you so well, and if I had stayed it would have been the anger talking.

And also because I know myself well. I have this humongous sense of pride and ego I would have stood by my decision knowing that I am wrong.

I haven't since you since that day. I want to talk this through like mature adults (but who are we kidding here =p) but like I said, my bruised ego won't let me pick up the phone and ring you.

We got through so much, we will get through this. I'm just waiting for your call.

I had a falling out with a friend recently but I did not bother to reconcile. There was no dying need inside me to kiss and make up. But you mean the world to me. You ARE my world.
You are my everything!

And that is why I want us to get over this. I am sure we will.

I don't say this much,I love you.

posted at 11:36 PM

3 Top Reasons..

...I Sometimes Wish to Be a Man:

1. Emotional Attachment
Men are not so emotionally attached with their close friends. But they do have a strong bond. For example a girl, when one of her close friends has a boyfriend or another close girlfriend and start going out/spend more time with these people, the girl will start to 'terasa'. Haiyo! Another thing, girls tend to ask their girlfriends too much about their personal lives, every little tiny details. See, the beauty of being a guy here, you can go out with whoever without having to tell your housemates/buddies/other guyfriends. The only thing these people would know about their friends' girlfriends is her name. Some of them don't even get to see their friends' girlfriends.

2. Menstrual Agony
Every thing about menstrual to me is just pretty shitty.Sometimes, I get terrible period pain that I can't even get myself out of bed and the pain will hardly be eased away although you've tried thousands of remedies. Despite that, there's always this hormonal imbalance where out of a sudden I break into tears, be all cranky or laugh like a hyena. There's also this diet imbalance where I would eat like a pig or my appetite totally turns off. Oh yea, and also, if it's a heavy flow that day, I have to go to the bathrooms like gazillionth times to change my pad. I don't want to be stained, would I?

3. Dressing Up Dilemma
Gosh! I just hate dressing up so much. Being a woman, there's like million of things you have to take care of, from your head to the toe. Make-ups, handbags, accessories, shoes, hairdos, tops, bottoms. Everything has to match and in place! If a woman appears in a shirt twice the same week, a person would possibly come up with a remark, "hasn't she got another shirt to wear?". Same scenario on a guy, people will just not say anything because how different can the guys clothes be? It's usually the conventional polo shirt/t-shirt in basic colours like blue, black and white. A guy could have only three pairs of pants(a khaki, a jeans and a slack) in the wardrobe and it's enough. This makes it tough for us women to pack for travelling too, we need different clothes for dinner, casual, outdoor sports. Once, my friend travelled with his girfriend and he only had a backpack with him while his girlfriend had few bags like she was going off for a month. There's also all these skin products, hair products, etc that we have to buy which comes in great prices! Sigh. Ok, possibly there are all these metrosexuals men who take care of themselves like we do, but if I was a man, I 'd be those conventional ones. Hehe. :)


posted at 1:47 PM

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Kisah Seorang Bag Fanarts...

Me: Nanti belikan nice leather bags tau! Taknak yg monogram2 atau yg PVC-looking tu. LEATHER please!!! Or at least leather-like!

Yelah, nanti mak tengok la KALAU ada. Tak janji.

Me: Tak kira! Beli jugak.

Nak tau apa one of the bags dia beli?

Oh ibuku! Pergi ke Italy membeli bag Guess. Ku sungguh hampa, namun akan ku pakai jua. Mesti bersyukur. Daripada dia tak beli apa-apa. Lagipun, kufaham jadualnya yang padat ketika disana. Terima kasih ibu!

Macam entry you-know-who pulak. Dah la bag pink. Hahah.


posted at 5:32 PM

Monday, May 15, 2006

Being Yourself

Gosh, it's been so long since my last entry. I've been wanting to write for so long, but the wonderful box(read: television) has keep me occupied with a lot of good shows. I just can't get my hands off the remote. Sigh.

Interestingly enough, Oprah Primetime had given me an idea of a good topic to discuss. Last night, Oprah interviewed Pink on her latest controversial song entitled, "Stupid Girls". Upon asking what stupid girls really mean, Pink came up with conclusion that stupid girls to her are girls who are not genuine, not true to herself and try be to someone they're not.

Coincidentally, I faced with some kind of dilemma the past weeks. My fashion sense has been labeled as bold by many and weird by some other. Most of the time, many people have a hard time accompanying to go shopping. I usually have a basic idea of the things I'm looking for and it could be the most difficult part. It's because most of the time I don't meet with my specific initial idea. And it can be very disappointing when you've gone over god-know-how-many malls. So, my mum would rather let me shop on my own. Hence, I have to spend with my own money. Sigh.

In most occasions, some people would complain about the simplicity or the untidiness of my clothes, or plainly the way I look. The most popular taglines that would utter from their mouths would be,

"Why don't you put on these clothes? They look better(much better)"

"Why can't you dress up a bit?"

"Why do you look so untidy?"

"Why do you look so pale? Is there something bothering you?"

"Why can't you put on some make-up?"

"You look like a rempit"

To these people, thanks so much for your honest opinion but do me a favour, can you show a bit of respect on my fashion taste and be happy for who I am? At least, I'm proud to come up as my own self and I do not try hard to be someone I'm not or follow some celebrities so that I would look like them. Mind you, for those people who think I have problems because I look so pale, "Yes, I have a problem with you!". Haha. :D I might be a slob, but I'm comfortable with jeans and shirts, thank you. So stop asking me to dress in skirts, put on make-ups, be more feminine. That's just something I'm not. I do wear those occasionally and it's my call.

As a guy, wouldn't you be disappointed if you know a girl who puts on her lovely dress, wears her make-up on, and sexy stilettos to impress you on dates, and later find out she's the sporty kind who's always in her torn jeans and comfortable sneakers? You might feel special since she's doing all that for you, going that extra mile just so that you'll be impressed by her effort and changing for you. But isn't she not being herself? Isn't that considered dishonesty, don't you feel cheated? Wouldn't you feel worried after knowing that you're impressed, she'll transform to her own self and that doesn't attract you to her anymore?

Those are questions that can only be referred to each individual's preference with no definite answer. So, I'll leave it to you people to decide on whom you actually want to be and I have no right to be judge you for your choice. As for me, I am comfortable with the way I am even you think I look like shit, but one thing I know, I can never impress everybody and I just want to be happy for myself. The devastation of trying to impress and be the best for one person when that person doesn't have the slightest concern of what you're doing is way too harsh. It's too shattering.


posted at 4:59 PM

Friday, May 05, 2006

Boleh blahhh

Scene 1
Saya: U, nak g tesco tak? Jom jalan.
Dia: Taknakla..penat..panas..tak larat.
Saya: K, suit yourself. Weather tengah best ni.
Dia: Eh you g eh.. belikan I coke bleh tak?
Saya: Boleh blahhh!
And saya walked out the door.

Scene 2
Saya tengah makan cheesecake yang dibeli kat tesco tadi

Dia: Eh you makan apa cam sedap jer
Saya: Cheesecake, beli tadi
Dia: Nak sikit
Saya: Boleh blahhh

Lesson: Bukan nak jahat but nothing comes free baybee. Nyehhehe

posted at 11:37 PM

Monday, May 01, 2006

The boy I always look forward to seeing, the boy who makes the cutest funny faces and says the funniest thing, the boy who dresses just the way I like, the boy whose smile is framed in my mind, the boy I miss each and every single day, the boy I think of when I see two beings walk hand in hand, the boy I'm certain I love, my very first love, love of my life.... getting married the love of his life

and it ain't me.

I want to cry, but that ain't gonna break em up is it?

posted at 6:40 PM