Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sneaky Pants!

Yihh I can't stand how sneaky my housemate is. How would you feel if you bought a carton of milk to eat with your cereal and simpan dalam cupboard (the long-lasting type) so you could eat it later, tiba-tiba tengok is not where it is and is instead in the fridge half empty? Cereal bars yang sepatutnya ada 12 and you baru makan 1 or 2, tiba-tiba tinggal 4? Breakfast biscuit yg ada 6 tinggal 3? Mushroom soup 3 kotak each consisting of 3 sachets so SEMBILAN ALTOGETHER habis terus padahal baru makan 2 sachet? Melampau la kan!?

I'm not stingy but I just cannot stand the fact that she doesn't have the decency to even bagitau pun and melantak macam dia yang beli. Ingat aku beli semua tu pakai pasir ke? I have a monthly budget too. Just because ko dok sorang sometimes and malas nak keluar and takde makanan gives you the right to eat all of my food. Kalau ye pun makan sampai habis makanan aku, bagitaula and ganti ke. Ni tak, buat muka slambe je. Aku ada amik makanan kau ke? Tak pernah kan? Kalau ada pun roti and tu pun bagitau. Even if it meant taking one slice. And the thing is, she does these things when I'm not around. So paham tak what I mean about being sneaky? Depan-depan tak berani.

Yihh. My friends yang dah kenal bertahun pun have respect for my belongings. Ko bukannya special sangat nak bagi exception. Sewa dahla 2 bulan punya tak bayar lagi, bil telefon ko je yang pakai, tak gak bayar. Ko ingat bil rumah terbayar sendiri ke? I have to use my freaking monthly allowance to pay it off you idiot! Bila aku takde pandai bukak air-cond siang2, ingat aku tak tau ke? Aku duduk rumah sendiri pun tak bukak air-cond siang2 sebab tau mahal lagi. Dahla ko tak bayar sewa. Air-cond tu extra je tak inclusive pun dalam rent, for MY comfort not yours.

Bawak kawan datang, siap tido rumah takde decency nak bagitau. Aku bawak balik kawan walaupun rumah sendiri aku bagitau kau. Balik-balik rumah je tengok muka tah sape-sape kat rumah ni. Hello, aku owner oke. Respect sikit. Kalau ko duk rumah sewa sumbat dengan ramai orang tu lainlaa. Takde respect for people and their belongings ke? I wonder how the hell you were brought up.

Aaarghhh! Menyirap betul! Sorryla aku nak tayang-tayang makanan aku lagi dalam almari tu.

Sakitnyaaaaaaaaaa hatiiiiii makcik!!!

posted at 11:13 AM

Monday, November 20, 2006

... and I Thought I Was a Pessimist!

I can't stand people who are so friggin negative about every single effing thing. I mean hello, some people have problems too but they learn to live with it or at least do something about it. Just because you dwell in yours, don't drag others into your loom of self-destruction for a dragging period of time. For a while, it's acceptable. After a while, it gets freaking annoying especially when you don't seem to want to move on and the fact that I know I have had bigger problems than what you're facing.

Boy problems? Who doesn't have those? But if you're smarter than that, there are other bigger priorities and things to worry about. If you knew what I had gone through over the past few years, you would know how selfish you've been and how vastly different and petty yours was as compared to mine. It's freaking getting to me. Unlike you, I know problems are inevitable. While I manage mine, you resort to your own depression of sorts. Two words, grow up!

You might've been fed with a golden spoon... but get this. The world does NOT revolve around you and you don't deserve any special priorities just because. So live life and embrace it. Coz the way I see it, you're missing on hell of a lot.


posted at 6:50 PM

Sunday, November 19, 2006

No 1. So we discussed about religion and you sense my insecurities. I appreciate your concern but don't fucking shove it down my throat. Thank you for the invitation but I've enough appointments to keep already.

No 2. Once, I'll keep quiet. Twice, fine. Being fashionably late is not something I find funny, and I don't get why you laugh as if it's a trademark you're proud to have. You missed your movie and I hope you learnt your lesson.

No 3. I get it, your dad has a fortune, your brother's making his and you can spend money like water. Don't rub it into every face you see! If your family money is all that how come the taxpayers are paying you through university? Mengada ngada!

No 4. When I say I don't drink it means I don't drink! A few c'mons from you ain't gonna make me do it, neither will your offer to buy me one. It doesn't make you cool when I have to take you home at night. And your breath, let's not go there. At least I remember the fun I had the morning after!

Now that I've let my anger out, I'm going to have a lazy Sunday with myself.

posted at 7:33 PM

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Joke!

If I were to act in a teen flick, I'd be the kid most people make fun of.
Not voluntarily, more on the experiences I've encountered.

When I was in high school, I remember bunch of guys used to make fun of me.
They would giggled whenever I walked pass them, calling me funny names.
Gawd, I just don't want to be reminded of those times.

High school ended, boy, I was relieved.
Not for too long, bunch of other men made fun of me again.
Two different groups who don't even know each other.
One of the groups used the means of modern technology,
while the other used conventional method of 'going out'.

The former was laughing off out of their wits in front of the screen,
they enjoyed how much I made a fool out of myself,
foolishly answering all the personal questions,
which I only wish to share with my close friends,
tactical, like the snake, they used one of my friend's account,
that friend of mine didn't know that they invaded his privacy,
well, he didn't find out soon enough to let me know that it wasnt him.
By the time I knew, a whole weight of embarassment was already out in the open sea.

The latter came out in the form of a man,
A man who I had big crush on,
He went out with me, to make fun of me,
To tell his friends what a laughing stock I am,
Well, his plan worked and the whole group had a great laugh.

A year passes by, I moved on.
Had a huge crush on another person,
Got to know him eventually, had the time of my life,
And for a minute there,
I thought I found a person I don't want to trade for anything else in the world,
Turned out, his feelings faded away,
He avoided me the whole time
and made me felt as if I was this dirty dog from the street which had a serious disease.
Looking back, possibly he didn't even have anything for me in the first place,
He was enjoying the game his friends and everyone else was playing.
Making fun of me, see how far I would fall, how foolish I could turn out.
It was probably a bet that everyone had put their money in.
And a show everyone found entertaining.

Few nights ago, a close friend of mine,
his phone was snatched by a group of guys from our batch,
those guys sneaked into his handphones,
trying to find messages that may lead to us being attached,
dismayed by finding nothing, they messaged me through his phone,
asking on personal questions,
luckily, they didn't get anything out of it,
the next day, my friend called me, told me the truth,
and he felt so guilty of what happened, he couldn't stop bunch of them.

I don't understand why does it always have to be me this people want to make fun of.
I don't even bother them with what they do, neither do I care who they go out with.
Why does it concern them so much on who I like?
It's not like as if I'm Mawi that everyone wants to know every single I do,
or I like one of the hotshots who happen to represent the country for important businesses,
And why do they swing the guys I have a crush on my way,
And let me fall into pieces after finding out their real intentions,
So that they can have a good laugh.
That's it.
I am a JOKE to mankind.

posted at 4:57 PM

Friday, November 10, 2006

Lola, Updated!

If Sad*am Hu*sein does get hanged, at least we know he'll die. I on the other hand, am hanging by a rope so tight but still very much alive and kicking.

Which place would you rather be?

Life is pretty good at the moment. I am savouring every single thing I can despite the downs. A lot of people have pointed out my high threshold toward pain and I realize it's true. I do suck in a lot of it. But yea... life's great right now. Yes Lonestar, the little things are important coz eventually they become big things.

Surprisingly I did pretty well last sem, rahmat bulan puasa yang tak terhingga. Maybe I work better under pressure considering my crazy exam schedule last sem, ingat fail 1 or 2 ke . I'm blessed, He still hasn't given up on me! I thank God that He compensated me with something definite for the future. Coz that's where I'm heading and where my focus currently lies.

I miss you guys! LostSoul I haven't seen you in what seems like ages! Lonestar, you know I miss you like crazy! Kelakar bila teringat kita nyanyi2 lagu sekolah and patriotic songs before tido when you were here. Akakaka!

Lostsoul, we have got to hang out soon! I'm dying from deprivation here! I don't even remember the last movie I watched but I sure as hell have caught up with all the Prison Break and One Tree Hill I could get my hands on during my blissful hols. Let's chill while you're still on your break =)

I'm also currently on a diet. Well trying to at least. I think there is no cure for my back pain based on an article I read. The symptoms listed are vastly similar to mine therefore I have got to lose weight so my back won't have to take the extra baggage from my fat ass. Having to wake up with it there everyday is one big challenge to ignore so I'm doing something about it now. Cheer me on here guys, it's for my health. I want to give birth someday okay!

LostSoul, update wuman! It takes 3 to cherries&onions... heheh.

posted at 12:01 AM

Thursday, November 09, 2006

It's the little things.

Little little things.
Like when that friend you haven't seen in ages says she's flying over to see you. Sleepover like those days back in college!
Like when the cutest boy in class gives you a birthday kiss and dance. Butterfly. Stomach. Face. Blush. Smile. Wide. Dream. True!
Like when your dad who never wears his heart on his sleeves sends a text saying he misses you!
Like when your housemate offers to make you dinner because you look shattered when you come home. And when she calls when you don't come home at night!
Like when you find Prison Break on Youtube.com, save you the trouble downloading!
Like when you get something from the sale line in your favourite colour in your perfect size!
Like when you go on the weighing scale and you know all the time at the gym is fruitful!
Little little things that put a smile on my face.
Little little things that make my day.
Little little things that make the big things small.
I mean, who needs a mansion with a pool, a Mini Cooper, expensive wardrobes??
But seriously, its the little little things.

posted at 2:40 AM

Friday, November 03, 2006

ABCs of my life, ABCs of gratitude.

A is for Abah, the one and only man I know who will love me fat and thin, young and old, right and wrong, good and bad, up and down, happy and sad, smart and silly, forever and ever.

B is for Brothers, the boys I grew up with and will grow old with. The boys who despite driving me up the wall most of the time, will come first to me before any other boys.

C is for Cheese! No amount of gym torture or no degree of slimming desire can put me off my cheese.

D is for dancing. Club dancing, hips-don't-lie, type of dance. Like the day I turned 22 ;) Ahh, that I'll remember forever.

E is for

F is for flat abs ala Nelly Furtado. Hot like hell.

G is for green. Apple green. I'm getting married in that colour I swear!

H is for handball. I get a rush from handball, its orgasmic.

I is for islands. Quiet, isolated ones. Where the waters are transparent, images of heaven. No fancy wharf of marina, just the beach in seconds.

J is for Jidah. She's my nenek, I love her. Period.

K is for KRU. Every word in every line of every song they write, every picture in every movie they make, every smile in every photograph, is magic. Spoon Slam Spring Sprong sume sila bungkus.

L is for love. I'm a huge believer of being in love. Walks in the park and breakfast in bed. Like a millio dollars!

M is for Mami. This one I'll die for, nuff said.

N is for N*z*h*h. I've seen her from kecik sampai besar, seen her jatuh macam nangka busuk and jatuh cinta. She's probably the most wonderful part of my growing up years.

O is for

P is for privacy. I value mine. Don't read my diaries, don't open my drawers, don't even sit on my bed without my permission!

Q is for

R is for

S is for summer. Winter is setting in and aku dah tak tahan. I dread thinking what January would bring. The only thing that would pull me through the winter is warm memories.

T is for travel. If I die having step foot on the African deserts, swim the Great Barrier Reef, party in Mexico, rollercoastered in the US of A, I'd have lived a fulfilling life.

U is for

V is for

W is for white gold. Gold is so my grandmother's colour!

X is for

Y is for Yusry. The world knows this is my one true love.

Z is for

P/S: I'll edit this when I find my loves for the rest of alphabets.


posted at 12:12 AM